
李 清 博士

尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!副研究员



现为尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!下一代互联网基础研究室副研究员、IEEE高级会员、尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!/南方科技大学联培博士生导师(独立招生)、尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!/清华大学联培博士项目企业导师、清华大学深圳国际研究生院工程硕士校外指导老师。


自博士生涯起,主要探索下一代互联网体系结构、协议与算法,基于可编程数据面的网内智能计算,基于网内缓存的新型高效传输机制,端网协同的智能网络传输控制机制,端边云协同的视频传输与视频分析,大模型驱动的网络异常检测及模型可解释性探索等。先后主持国家自然基金青年及面上项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、深圳市基础研究项目、深圳市重点尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!项目等。目前,已累计发表学术论文170余篇,其中包括CCF A/Tsinghua A类、JCR 1区等高水平学术论文90余篇,包括IEEE JSAC、IEEE/ACM ToN、IEEE TC、IEEE TMC、IEEE TPDS、IEEE TMM、USENIX Security、ACM SIGMOD、ACM SIGKDD、NeurIPS、ACM CoNext、ACM MM、ACM WWW、IEEE INFOCOM、IEEE ICNP等。

先后受邀担任多个高水平会议IEEE/ACM IWQoSCCF B)、IEEE ICPPCCF B)、IEEE IPCCCCCF C)、IFIP NetworkingCCF C)、IEEE HPCCCCF C)的TPC成员;担任IEEE Internet of Things Journal、IEEE Networks的客座编委;担任IEEE VTC Workshop的联合主席等。


2021.08-至今 尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏! 副研究员/博导(访问学者),南方科技大学
清华大学深圳国际研究生院 校外指导老师()
南方科技大学 研究副教授/尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏! 副研究员(双聘)
清华大学深圳研究生院 副研究员(兼)
华为2012研究院(香港) 高级研究员
清华大学深圳研究生院 师资博士后/助理研究员


IEEE IWQoS 2018, Best Paper Award
IEEE LAN 2016, Best Paper Candidate
全球智能网络传输竞赛 2019,最佳指导教师
清华大学计算机系 优秀博士毕业生,2013 



1. Chenyi Liu, Vaneet Aggarwal, Tian Lan, Nan Geng, Yuan Yang, Mingwei Xu, and Qing Li. "FERN: Leveraging Graph Attention Networks for Failure Evaluation and Robust Network Design." Accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

2. Jingyu Xiao, Xudong Zuo, Qing Li*, Dan Zhao, Hanyu Zhao, Yong Jiang, Jiyong Sun, Bin Chen, Yong Liang, and Jie Li. "FlexNF: Flexible Network Function Orchestration for Scalable On-Path Service Chain Serving." Accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

3. Guorui Xie, Qing Li*, Guanglin Duan, Jiaye Lin, Yutao Dong, Yong Jiang, Dan Zhao, and Yuan Yang. "Empowering In-Network Classification in Programmable Switches by Binary Decision Tree and Knowledge Distillation." IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING (ToN) 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

4. Guorui Xie, Qing Li*, Zhenning Shi, Hanbin Fang, Shengpeng Ji, Yong Jiang, Zhenhui Yuan, Lianbo Ma, and Mingwei Xu. "Generating Neural Networks for Diverse Networking Classifcation Tasks via Hardware-Aware Neural Architecture Search." Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC) 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

5. Hanling Wang, Qing Li*, Heyang Sun, Zuozhou Chen, Yingqian Hao, Junkun Peng, Zhenhui Yuan, Junsheng Fu, and Yong Jiang. "VaBUS: Edge-Cloud Real-time Video Analytics via Background Understanding and Subtraction." IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 90-106, Jan. 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

6. Junkun Peng, Qing Li, Xun Tang, Dan Zhao*, Chuang Hu, and Yong Jiang*. “A Cooperative Caching System in Heterogeneous Edge Networks.” Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

7. Qing Li, Ying Chen, Aoyang Zhang, Yong Jiang, Longhao Zou, Zhimin Xu, and Gabriel-Miro Muntean. "A Super-Resolution Flexible Video Coding Solution for Improving Live Streaming Quality." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), vol. 25, pp. 6341-6355, 2023. (Tsinghua A, download the paper)

8. Jianer Zhou, Xinyi Qiu, Zhenyu Li*, Qing Li*, Gareth Tyson, Jingpu Duan, Yi Wang, Heng Pan, and Qinghua Wu. “A Machine Learning-Based Framework for Dynamic Selection of Congestion Control Algorithms.” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

9. Chuang Hu, Rui Lu, Qianlong Sang, Huanghuang Liang, Dan Wang, Dazhao Cheng*, Jin Zhang, Qing Li*, and Junkun Peng. "An Edge-side Real-time Video Analytics System with Dual Computing Resource Control." Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC) 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

10. Zongyi Zhao, Xingang Shi, Zhiliang Wang, Qing Li, Han Zhang, and Xia Yin. "Effcient and Accurate Flow Record Collection with HashFlow." IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) 33, no. 5 (May 1 2022): 1069-1083. (CCF A, download the paper)

11. Wanxin Shi, Chao Wang, Yong Jiang, Qing Li*, Gengbiao Shen and G. -M. Muntean. "CoLEAP: Cooperative Learning-Based Edge Scheme With Caching and Prefetching for DASH Video Delivery." in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 23, pp. 3631-3645, 2021. (CCF A, download the paper)


12. Ruoyu Li, Qing Li*, Yu Zhang, Dan Zhao, Xi Xiao, and Yong Jiang*. "Genos: General In-Network Unsupervised Intrusion Detection by Rule Extraction." Accepted by IEEE INFOCOM, 2024. (CCF A)

13. Xiaoteng Ma, Qing Li*, Junkun Peng, Gareth Tyson, Ziwen Ye, Shisong Tang, Qian Ma, Shengbin Meng, and Gabriel-Miro Muntean. “Smart Data-Driven Proactive Push to Edge Network for User-Generated Videos.” Accepted by IEEE INFOCOM, 2024. (CCF A)

14. Lianbo Ma, Yuee Zhou, Jianlun Ma, Guo Yu, and Qing Li. "One-Step Forward and Backtrack: Overcoming Zig-Zagging in Loss-AwareQuantization Training." Accepted by AAAI, 2024. (CCF A)

15. Ruoyu Li, Qing Li*, Yu Zhang, Dan Zhao, Yong Jiang. "Interpreting Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Security via Rule Extraction." in Proceedings of NeurIPS 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

16. Zhengxin Zhang, Yucheng Huang, Guanglin Duan, Qing Li*, Dan Zhao, Yong Jiang, Lianbo Ma, Xi Xiao, and Hengyang Xu. "Metis: Understanding and Enhancing Regular Expressions in Network." in Proceedings of NeurIPS 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

17.  Yutao Dong, Qing Li*, Kaidong Wu, Ruoyu Li, Dan Zhao, Gareth Tyson, Junkun Peng, Yong Jiang, Shutao Xia, and Mingwei Xu. "HorusEye: A Realtime IoT Malicious Traffc Detection Framework using Programmable Switches." in Proceedings of USENIX Security 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

18. Shisong Tang, Qing Li*, Dingmin Wang, Ci Gao, Wentao Xiao, Dan Zhao, Yong Jiang, Qian Ma, and Aoyang Zhang. "Counterfactual Video Recommendation for Duration Debiasing." in Proceedings of ACM SIGKDD 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

19.Zhengxin Zhang, Qing Li*, Guanglin Duan, Dan Zhao, Jingyu Xiao, Guorui Xie, and Yong Jiang. "Pontus: Finding Waves in Data Streams." in Proc. ACM SIGMOD 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

20.Lie Lu, Qing Li*, Dan Zhao, Yuan Yang, Zeyu Luan, Jianer Zhou, YongJiang, and Mingwei Zu. "Hawkeye: A Dynamic and Stateless Multicast Mechanism with Deep Reinforcement Learning." in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

21. Junkun Peng, Qing Li*, Yuanzheng Tan, Dan Zhao, Zhenhui Yuan, Jinhua Chen, Hanling Wang, and Yong Jiang. "SkyNet: Multi-Drone Cooperation for Real-Time Identification and Localization." In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

22. Qian Yu, Qing Li*, et al. "BiSR: Bidirectionally Optimized Super-Resolution for Mobile Video Streaming." in Proceedings of ACM WWW (WebConf) 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

23. Jingyu Xiao, Qingsong Zou, Qing Li*, Dan Zhao, Kang Li, Zixuan Weng, Ruoyu Li, and Yong Jiang. "I Know Your Intent: Graph-enhanced Intent-aware User Device Interaction Prediction via Contrastive Learning." in Proceedings of ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. (Ubicomp/IMWUT) 7, 3, Article 136 (September 2023), 28 pages (CCF A, download the paper)

24. Qingsong Zou, Qing Li*, Ruoyu Li, Yucheng Huang, Gareth Tyson, Jingyu Xiao, and Yong Jiang. "IoTBeholder: A Privacy Snooping Attack on User Habitual Behaviors from Smart Home Wi-Fi Traffic." in Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. (Ubicomp/IMWUT) 7, 1, Article 43 (March 2023), 26 pages. (CCF A, download the paper)

25.  Fulin Wang, Qing Li*, Wanxin Shi, Gareth Tyson, Yong Jiang, Lianbo Ma, Peng Zhang, Yulong Lan, and Zhicheng Li. "Reparo: QoE-Aware Live Video Streaming in Low Rate Networks by Intelligent Frame Recovery." in Proc. ACM MM 2023. (CCF A, download the paper)

26.Jiaye Lin, Qing Li*, Guorui Xie, Yong Jiang, Zhenhui Yuan, Changlin Jiang, and Yuan Yang. "In-Forest: Distributed In-Network Classification with Ensemble Models." in Proceedings of ICNP 2023. (Tsinghua A, download the paper)

27.Zuyu Luan, Qing Li*, Zutao Zhang, Yong Jiang, Meng Chen, Yu Wang, Kejun Li. "AWEsome-Cache: dependency-free rule-caching for arbitrary wildcard patterns in TCAM." in Proceedings of ICNP 2023. (Tsinghua A, download the paper)

28.Guorui Xie, Qing Li*, Haolin Yan, Dan Zhao, Gianni Antichi, and Yong Jiang. "Efficient Attack Detection with Multi-Latency Neural Models on Heterogeneous Network Devices." in Proceedings of ICNP 2023. (Tsinghua A, download the paper)

29.Guorui Xie, Qing Li*, Jiaye Lin, Gianni Antichi, Dan Zhao, Zhenhui Yuan, Ruoyu Li, and Yong Jiang. "Dryad: Deploying Adaptive Trees on Programmable Switches for Networking Classification." in Proceedings of ICNP 2023. (Tsinghua A, download the paper)

30.Junkun Peng, Qing Li*, Xiaoteng Ma, Yong Jiang, Yutao Dong, Chuang Hu, Meng Chen. "MagNet: Cooperative Edge Caching by Automatic Content Congregating." In Proceedings of ACM WebConf (WWW) 2022. (CCF A, download the paper)

31.Shisong Tang, Qing Li*, Xiaoteng Ma, Ci Gao, Dingmin Wang, Yong Jiang, Qian Ma, Aoyang Zhang, and Hechang Chen. "Knowledge-based Temporal Fusion Network for Interpretable Online Video Popularity Prediction." In Proceedings of ACM WebConf (WWW) 2022. (CCF A, download the paper)

32.Wanxin Shi, Qing Li*, Chao Wang, Longhao Zou, Gengbiao Shen, Pei Zhang, and Yong Jiang. "Learning-based Fuzzy Bitrate Matching at the Edge for Adaptive Video Streaming." In Proceedings of ACM WebConf (WWW) 2022. (CCF A, download the paper)

33.  Guorui Xie, Qing Li*, Yutao Dong, Guanglin Duan, Yong Jiang, and Jingpu Duan. "Mousika: Enable General In-Network Intelligence in Programmable Switches by Knowledge Distillation." In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2022. (CCF A, download the paper)

34. Xudong Zuo, Qing Li*, Jingyu Xiao, Dan Zhao, and Jiang Yong. "Drift-bottle: a lightweight and distributed approach to failure localization in general networks." In Proceedings of ACM CoNEXT 2022. (Tsinghua A, download the paper)

35. Yutao Dong, Qing Li*, R. O. Sinnott, Yong Jiang, and Shutao Xia. "ISP Self-Operated BGP Anomaly Detection Based on Weakly Supervised Learning." In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Dallas, TX, USA, 2021, pp. 1-11. (Tsinghua A, download the paper)

36. Jianer Zhou, Xinyi Qiu, Zhenyu Li, Gareth Tyson, Qing Li, Jingpu Duan, and Yi Wang. "Antelope: A Framework for Dynamic Selection of Congestion Control Algorithms," 2021 IEEE 29th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Dallas, TX, USA, 2021, pp. 1-11. (Tsinghua A, download the paper)

37. Wanxin Shi, Qing Li, Ruishan Zhang, Gengbiao Shen, Yong Jiang, Zhenhui Yuan, and Gabriel-Miro Shen. "Ready to Respond: A QoE-aware MEC Selection Scheme for DASH-based Adaptive Video Streaming to Mobile Users." In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2021. (CCF A, download the paper)

38.  Gengbiao Shen, Qing Li, Shuo Ai, Yong Jiang, Mingwei Xu, and Xuya Jia. "How Powerful Switches Should be Deployed: A Precise Estimation Based on Queuing Theory." In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, Paris, France, 2019. (CCF A, download the paper)

39. Qing Li, Mingwei Xu, and Meng Chen. "NSFIB construction & aggregation with next hop of strict partial order." In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM (Mini), Turin, Italy, 2013. (CCF A, download the paper)

40. Qing Li, Dan Wang, Mingwei Xu, and Jiahai Yang, "On the Scalability of Router Forwarding Tables: Nexthop-Selectable FIB Aggregation." In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM (Mini), Shanghai, P.R. China, April 2011. (CCF A, download the paper) 


